Thursday, March 22, 2007

Little Boy Hurt by Sexism

I saw something today that made me extraordinarily angry. Some of the comments about a young boy dancing to a Beyonce song on a video discussion board. Too Much Beyonce? Hat tip - The Republic of T

This lil boy is going to grow up to be a homo. Yall are right he needs a FATHER in his life. To much goddamn time on his hands. And his moms thinks this shit is cute. I would of smaked the piss out the kid and tell him to go put some goddamn 2 Pac.
Where is this kid's father? He got to be surrounded by all women.This is due to the absentee male role model in this kid's life. Mom if you read this get this kid more active in sports or sometihing .
This is sad. Young boys should have first contact with their fathers or some strong responsible male role mode when growing up. You know really,I don't understand why women want strong,masculine and responsible men in their lives but yet they let their sons grow up having a feminine mindset. This is not cute.

OOOOOOOOO LORD! That princess can DANCE! He even looks like he's trying to "make it clap" at one point. I'm sure he will make a fine drag queen when he grows up, but in the meantime his parents might wanna keep his smooth moves under wraps. Imagine him going to prom and "getting low" on the middle of the dance floor. I got no problem with dancing, but he could definitely "Butch it up" a bit.

Mostly I think these comments come because he is emulating a woman. Boys should be ashamed of thinking there is anything worthy to be emulated in women. I mean they are nothing but sex objects right? Virgins or whores. It’s completely degrading to pretend to be one if you are male. Do you think that if this was a little girl emulating the way Shaq dunked there would be this spewing of scripture and rush to decide that she was a lesbian? Hell no. We would all laugh because it was cute. I mean men are worth emulating. Male actions are worthy of admiration. I mean some may cluck that she should be perusing more feminine hobbies like Barbies or the easy bake oven but I don't think we would see this kind of open hostility.

I was in a book club the other day talking about a book about women's rights and even people there couldn't see how sexual orientation is tied up with feminism. And I wanted to scream at them because fear homosexuality is about fear of true gender equality as well as ignorant visceral fear. If we accept that homosexual relationships are on par with heterosexual relationships than we have to admit that roles cannot be gender specific. That there is true gender parity. One of the questions I hear people ask all the time about gay male relationships is ‘who's the woman?’ And the truth is no one. Because no one has to play traditional gender roles in order to make relationships work. If we accept gay marriage as a norm then people are going to start to rethink the delegation of duties within heterosexual marriage. And that is the true threat. We as feminists need to support the LGBTQ community and the community has to support feminism because we are all tied together.

The damage that is potentially done to this child is to his full self. Sexism hurts men as well as women. If he doesn’t have a thick enough skin to say ‘fuck them’ and enough of a support system to help him to maintain that attitude he will lose a whole expressive portion of himself. He will learn sexist attitudes and continue to perpetuate them. He will learn that women are not worthy of admiration and emulation. That any part of himself that can be perceived as feminine is something to be ashamed of and repressed. That certain career and interests will cause him the taunts of his peers. He will learn that women are lesser. And straight or gay he will learn that being recognized as homosexual is a massive offense.